Tag: vegan

Gourmet Vegan Mac and Cheese even children will love

Gourmet Vegan Mac and Cheese even children will love

I finally made a vegan Mac and cheese even my children love. Made with only a handful of ingredients, and has a gourmet taste. Can be made raw with zucchini noodles.

Until now any vegan Mac and cheese I’ve made got eaten (happily) only by my husband and I. My children would take a bite and declare “It’s not my taste”. Big frowns for this foodie mama. One time I even used a whole block of follow your heart vegan cheddar cheese, knowing they love it, and they ate only a few bites. This new recipe satisfied all my picky eaters!

This won’t taste like a boxed Mac and cheese, but more like a gourmet one. I would expect to have a dish like this, maybe with some truffle oil (although I don’t eat oil any more) at a gourmet restaurant in New York or California. I can imagine myself eating this in the garden dining room at Post Ranch Inn. It is very similar to the way Christopher’s Kitchen in Palm Beach Gardens, FL makes it, they add jalapeno. The cheese texture is sure to please.


Vegan Mac and cheese
1 tablespoon Brazil nut Parmesan (see recipe below)
1 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup water
Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients (except salt) on high until smooth. Add more water or cashews if needed for the right consitancy, should be a thick sauce.
Pour over freshly made pasta and mix well. Serve with a sprinkle of Brazil nut Parmesan and salt to taste.

My favorite gluten free pasta is Trader Joe’s fusilli made with brown rice. Any gluten free pasta will work for this recipe. Some rice pastas leave a thick starchy water after making the pasta, you can use that in place of the water in this recipe.
For a raw version: use raw zucchini noodles, can be made with a mandolin, shredder or spiralizer.

Brazil nut Parmesan
1 cup Brazil nuts
1 clove garlic
1 tsp salt (or to taste)

Chop on low in a blender or small food processor. Transfer into a shaker bottle, I use a regular mouth mason jar with a Parmesan shaker lid I got from my sister. Store in the refrigerator.
You only need a small amount for this recipe, so you can make much less of you like.
While it has no cheese flavor it works well on pasta and Italian dishes in place of parmesan, and has a similar texture. Adding nutritional yeast will give it more of a cheese flavor.


Nutritional yeast can be added for extra cheese flavor.
1 tsp Turmeric can be added to make it a yellow-orange color.

For a spicy m&c:
Add jalepeno seeds to taste when blending the sauce.

For a sweet Mac and cheese add some mashed baked sweet potatoes stirred in.

Something different: my husband added garbanzo beans, kidney beans, red bell peppers and hot pepper flakes to it. I couldn’t think of a name for the dish (maybe bean-pasta salad?), he said it was amazing.

We loved this so much we wanted a few servings, but learned quickly that it’s too heavy of a meal for that.


Healing Severe Tooth Decay Naturally

Healing Severe Tooth Decay Naturally


After years of trial and error my son’s brown severely decayed teeth have become tooth colored again in less than 2 months! Here’s how we did it.

My son started having browning on his teeth around 3 years old, and after many doctors, procedures and tears his situation became much worse, experiencing infection, severe decay, very deep cavities and chunks of teeth falling out. Years of researching have finally paid off.  See the bottom of this post for the more detailed history.

I have detailed below the protocol he has been following for the past year with no results.  Once we added Vitamin C his teeth healed in less than 2 months.  I can not say if the Vitamin C alone would heal teeth, instead I believe the Vitamin C is a key factor, which allowed for his body to utilize everything else he is using.

The protocol the he follows:

1,000 mg Lipo-Spheric Vitamin C, 1 a day in the morning with fresh homemade orange juice, mixed in a blender, it’s very thick and only a blender can break it up, it also made it frothy.  This type of vitamin C we used for the first week when we started 2 months ago, to bring his levels up and fast.  He hasn’t taken it since, although we will certainly give it to him again as needed, especially if he gets any sort of illness.  I highly recommend you research the healing effects of Vitamin C, I’ll put up a post one day soon.

2,000-5,000 mg of Vitamin C – L-ascorbic acid, we use Bluebonnet Vitamin C 1000 mg Vegetable Capsules and Natural Factors Vitamin C 500 mg chewables.

Toothpaste & Rinse:  Replace toothpaste with 2% Lugol’s Iodine (Iodine from the store is not the same, do not use regular iodine), put 2-3 drops on the toothbrush and brush teeth as usual.  We also mix distilled water with a drop of iodine for him to rinse his mouth with.  Rinse, Swish and Spit then Rinse, Swish and Swallow

Floss: With children it can be difficult to get them using regular floss, so we buy dental picks, Use at each brushing
NOTE:  as per the holistic dentist, do not use floss with fluoride on it.  The dollar store usually has these.  Floss is best to use before brushing, or do a quick brushing with water to brush away any dislodged food.

Coconut Oil: Rinse and or Brush with natural coconut oil.  This is a natural oral disinfectant that can help clean the mouth without alcohol or toxins.  It also has a pleasant tastes. Oil Pulling (aka swishing) for 15-20 min will disinfect the whole mouth.
NOTE: I do the oil pulling once in a while, however my son never has, it made him gag the time we tried, instead we put some mixed with Olive Gold O3 – Ozonated Olive Oil Super Oxygen and Xlear Spray Rain Oral Mist Spray
on a cotton swab and he puts it in the areas of the decay and then all around the mouth.

Ozonated Water or Oil (O3): Ozone is known for it’s power in killing bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well for stimulating healing.  Ozonated water is more economical but holds the O3 for shorter time.  Ozonated Oils can retain the O3 gas much longer.  See coconut oil above for how we use this.

We use: Olive Gold O3 Skin Care Lotion – Ozonated Olive Oil Super Oxygen (it can be used internally and externally)
We have tried: Ozene Skin Cream and Deodorant by Premier Research Labs and PurO3 Fully Ozonated Olive Oil
Both of these he gags on, so we use it for skin healing and care.

MI Paste: Is a topical product that introduces minerals to the oral cavity and promotes absorption.  It can greatly reduce sensitivity to hot and cold or after whitening. MI Paste can also promote Re-mineralization of tooth structure.  Use a pea sized amount and apply to teeth with a finger or tooth brush.
NOTE: I’ve found most dentists sell this, which is a plus if you have an HSA account.

Multi Vitamin: Metagenics – Multi-Min Chelate: Minerals are essential for good overall and oral health.  Today’s food chain simply cannot provide enough of what the body needs. This supplement has Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and other minerals bonded with Amino Acids to aide in absorption.  This has MANY health benefits including Re-mineralization of tooth structure as well as reducing clenching and grinding.
NOTE:  My son switched to this multi – MegaFood Kids One Daily Tablets

Probiotics: We use this probitotic regularly (daily or every other day), and when needed a high dose one for a week.
Regular: MegaFood Kids N’ Us MegaFlora Tablets
High Dose: Ortho Molecular Products – PRObiotic 225 billion CFU

Kombucha:  About the only way I can get kombucha into my son is in a smoothie or ice pop. We make our own kombucha at home, more info on that in a later post.  He gets kombucha in some form at least once a week.

E3Live Brain On: E3 Live is an all-organic superfood. It is 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) wild-harvested from Klamath Lake in Oregon, USA. This nutrient dense superfood contains over 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Our plant-based superfood is non-GMO, vegan and a rich source of chlorophyll.
He gets a serving of this 1-2 times a week in a smoothie.


The following is additional recommendations that he doesn’t do, or only did for a short period of time.

Colloidal Silver: Colloidal silver can be used as a mouthwash to help prevent the buildup of plaque which leads to cavities and gum disease. And it can be used to stop painful tooth infections dead in their tracks if you get to them soon enough. Sovereign Silver Fine Mist

Butter Oil / Fermented Cod Liver Oil: Both are recommended by the Weston Price foundation.  A friend gave me some to try, I had a hard time getting my son to take it.  VEGAN alternative: Source Naturals Flax Seed-Primrose Oil as suggested by a few doctors.

Vitamin D: Ortho Molecular Liquid Vitamin D3 with K2, we live in Florida so I only give him a drop of this daily when he hasn’t had much sun exposure.



The dentist recommends following the Standard Process Purification Program long term.  This program can be adapted to any life style or diet, such as Paleo, Vegan, etc.

My son’s diet:  Organic, Gluten Free, no food coloring, no artificial anything, minimal natural sugars, and pretty much everything made from scratch.

NAET – A natural allergy elimination technique, we have used NAET to find out what his allergies are and “clear” them.


Detailed History:

My son was breastfed, and when he started eating food he ate a clean organic vegan diet, mostly raw.  By about 3 years he started to have some browning on his top front teeth.  Unable to find a pediatric holistic dentist I took him to a highly recommended local pediatric dentist.  What came after was nothing short of heartache.  My little boy who had never had so much as an over the counter medication was now going to be put under anesthesia to have dental work done on 8 teeth. We did everything the dentist told us, brushing, flossing, MiPaste, to keep his teeth clean and healthy, but one year later they wanted to do work on 8 teeth again!  I refused to have him put under anesthesia again and the dentist convinced me that putting him in a papoose would be the best way to fix his teeth since he wouldn’t sit still.  10 minutes in they decided to stop and bring me to see him (parents aren’t allowed in the room).  I cried, it was so sad to see him in this straight jacket – yes that is what a papoose is, even though they try to convince parents otherwise, struggling to get out, 5 minutes later, and no procedure done he was in my arms and we headed home.  I spent the next two years researching and praying for answers.  He was traumatized and it took me that long to get him back to see a dentist, actually a bump on his gums is what got him back to the dentist. This time we went to another dentist about an hour away.  While this dentist wasn’t holistic, she was known for putting children at ease, and it worked.  My son went through the exam without any issues, as did my younger son.  The dentist sat me down and knowing his diet was puzzled as to why his teeth had such severe decay and told me he has an abscess (which was wrong). The dentist sent us on our way with a prescription for antibiotics, a surgery date and a coupon for free ice cream… WHAT?!?!?!  This dentist required a hospital stay for major dental work as she didn’t have the facilities, and the bill was getting up around $20,000, with no guarantee that it wouldn’t go higher.  I didn’t go through with it and soon after found a holistic dentist in Miami, Dr. Ted Hermann @ Assure a Smile.  He told me that my son did not have an abscess, instead it was inflammation from 2 growing adult teeth rubbing against each other under the gums and that it would heal on it’s own as they grew in, and assured me his diet was not the major culprit, but could use a little tweaking. He told me his body was not getting the nutrition it needed and the teeth suffered, most likely from an allergy. He put my son on a protocol, which we followed for a year with no change.  Then less than 2 months ago we added Vitamin C to that protocol that changed his brown decaying teeth to tooth color.  The holes are still in his teeth, however only the baby teeth have decay, the adult teeth are fine, so as per the dentist advice he will not have anything done to those teeth unless he has pain or the situation gets worse.

Teaching children about being vegetarian

A few times over the last couple of months we have been at homes where meat was at the table during our meal. at first Joshua wouldn’t pay it any mind, but lately he’s starting to ask what it is, and even wanting some when he sees his friends eat it. In school they have talked about eating turkey during thanksgiving, and what kosher foods are, making collages of the kosher groups, meat, dairy & parve.

These situations are going to come up, we surely can’t avoid them in our society so we decided to use them as learning experiences.

We explain to him that these are animals and that mommy, daddy and Joshua don’t eat animals. I’ve even asked him, Joshua, do you eat –? And he always says no, once he was a little confused when I asked about turkey, until he got that turkey is an animal. We decided not to explain, just yet, that in order to eat an animal it needs to be killed, but that conversation will come too one day.

The tricky part is when to talk about it. While with other people we only say we don’t eat —, but once we are by ourselves we find an opportunity to let him know it was an animal.

Today we found an injured bird, caught him and brought him to a rescue center. Joshua was curious about it. We talked about how we love animals and try to help them if they are hurt. Just like how we help when our friends are hurt. We started talking about birds and chickens was mentioned, I felt it was a golden opp to help him understand why the chicken his friend was eating last night, and he was asking for (not knowing what it was), we do not eat. A few moments later I saw a bunch of hens and roosters running around a yard, we couldn’t stop to see them, but it would have been a perfect way to further make that connection for him.

In order for children to understand that the food they see others eating is an animal they have to see live animals. I feel its important for all children to know where all the food they eat comes from. It’s really no different then going into a garden and showing them fruits and veggies and where they come from. I feel that if kids know this then they can make decisions based on personal knowledge instead of being told. I know as a child I loved strawberries because of the connection I had to picking them in my moms garden. I think of those sun ripened yummy red sweet fruit in the garden hanging from the green stems and the smell, every time I eat a strawberry. I honestly don’t think I’ve had as good of a strawberry as the few times I’ve picked my own. As for eating meat, I didn’t make the connection until the day my husband (boyfriend at the time) told me about it. That’s the day I became vegetarian.

So the bottom line is, the only way to empower our children, or anyone, to make informed decisions is by experience, or self-knowledge.

I’ve been asked, what if he asks to way it when he is older. Honestly that is his choice. Right now it is ours, but one day he is free to make that choice himself and I will respect his wishes. But in the meantime, I will take every chance I can to teach him all about it.

The other aspect is how it feels, obviously that’s not easy to teach, since my son has never felt the effects of meat on his body, so in this area I can teach him what feels best in his heart, and share how it felt in my body. However this is a great way to show him the connection between body and mind. That it always feels best in the body to choose foods that feels good to the mind.

Knowledge is power.

Aloo Matar

Aloo Matar over salad

Recipe from the book

A Healthy U: Indian Cuisine – to be released 12-2011