Tag: chocolate

Chocolate Chip Oat Pancakes

1 C Oat flour
1 ripe banana
1 tsp baling powder
3/4 C water
1 Tbsp oil-optional
1/3 C carob chips or chocolate chips

Preheat griddle or non-stick pan to med-high. Blend all ingredients in a blender or w a hand blender, except chips, until smooth, adjust water as needed 1/4 C at a time. Fold in chips to batter. Scoop 1/3 C per pancake.

When top side gets slightly dry flip. Cook until golden brown on both sides.


I make 2 or more batches as a time and keep the left-overs in the fridge for a snack for my son, he likes them cold w syrup already soaked in and almond butter on top.


Chocolate for breakfast!

Not the subject that you would expect from a healthy food blog, but after a weekend of parties aka getting his hand on sweets that we just don’t eat, J was asking for chocolate this morning. So I made him a healthy chocolate spread for his gluten free toast.
Mash together Unsweetend carob powder, dates and avocado. Omit the avocado for cookies and brownies.

Chocolate Ganache

1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup soy milk

heat up the milk until simmering, pour into bowl and mix with chocolate chips until melted.

Use for fondue or top on a cupcake or cake, chocolate covered frozen fruit, etc…

Chocolate Spread

Almond butter
Cocoa Powder, non-sweetened (alt. carob powder)  I use Rapunzel Baking Cocoa
Maple Syrup, or sweetener of choice

Mix to taste
This can easily be made raw, just use a raw of the same ingredients

This is truly the best chocolate spread I’ve ever had, and I was a huge nutella fan in my pre-vegan days.